February 4, 2025
2025! January FLEW by!
I started writing ‘resolutions’ three years ago not thinking much of it, simply wanting to participate in something that seemed like a buzz activity around the New Year. Subconsciously I was really just writing down my goals and without looking at them all year I accomplished everything I had put on my list, so I continued.
I like to have fun goals and serious goals, because there truly is, always time for both. A few fun things I got into last year were reading more books and expanding my genre interests as well as listening to audio books, seeing some of my favorite artists and creators on tour, going to therapy, and of course- traveling overseas as much as possible!
Last year, my more serious goals were to rebrand my business (WELCOME!) and get back into school- both of which I’ve accomplished!
THIS YEAR my fun goals include flying private for the first time and adding a Cartier piece to my collection! My big goals for 2025 are to become educated on the art of investment to see where I would like to invest long term & to buy a house! I’ve put off the former simply because I am not interested in the copious amount of information available in the world of investments. I prefer information to be clear, concise, and easily digestible. However, if I never start I may never grow any interest, so no better time to start than now! The ladder is important to me for one reason and one reason only: my dog. We have lived in apartments since he was a puppy and I am the kind of dog mom who wants my dog to have the best life of all time: and that includes a huge backyard and doggy door.
-I look forward to hearing about your goals for the year, maybe we have some in common 😉
xx Lacey